Abandoned buildings of Malaysia
Optician , Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Visit date : 2014
Year of build : c.1920-1923
Current status : Abandoned / 2018 - Major fire damage has since gutted this location
In Seremban town, the optician's shop sits in a narrow shophouse that dates from the early 1920’s. All of its shophouse neighbours have since been demolished leaving this narrow building standing all by itself. The shop looks to have last operated within the past 20 years. Not much was left inside but for the original wooden display cases and thier glass sliding fronts. The whole place was heavily decayed and carried a thick heavy stench of rot about it.

To me this building just seemed “off”.

Whenever you explore locations in towns or cities like this you have to keep your guard up. These places are regularly used for easy hideouts and convenient lodgings for the darker side of society. This building was no different. At the rear of the shophouse the cement floor was littered with old bags and personal belongings, including a kids school bag with workbooks and stationary kit strewn all about.

It was pretty clear that this place was now a snatch thief’s active bolt hole for quickly sorting through stolen goods. I made what few pictures seemed worthwhile and exited the shop, closing the front door behind me. The uneasy feeling I had whilst inside quickly left me as I merged back into the hustle and bustle of urban life outside.